Is Wandering Jew Poisonous to Cats?

If you like home plants but also have house cats, make sure the former aren’t hazardous to the latter. The Wandering Jew (Tradescantia) is a tropical plant that grows well in hot weather.

There are roughly 75 herbaceous perennial species in the Tradescantia genus, which is used for several of them. Some are invasive weeds, while others are frequently utilized as outdoor garden plants. Many are popular indoor container plants.

According to the ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), the wandering jew has calcium oxalate crystals in its leaves and stems, which can be harmful to cats, dogs, and horses.

Although it is unlikely to cause major harm to your pet, chewing on it can cause discomfort. In cats, this somewhat poisonous plant can cause skin or gastrointestinal discomfort. If your cat or dog consumes any part of the plant, especially the stem, it might induce diarrhea or vomiting.

What Is Wandering Jew?

Wandering Jew refers to several members of the Tradescantia genus, a tropical herbaceous plant native to Central and Southern America. It is a popular houseplant because it is a reasonably easy plant to care for.

It can be a magnificent flowering plant or a trailing plant, depending on the species. Some plants are also considered invasive and are classified as weeds.

Is Wandering Jew Poisonous to Cats?

The Wandering Jew (Tradescantia) is a warm-weather tropical plant. This word refers to several species in the Tradescantia genus, which contains about 75 herbaceous perennial species. Some are invasive weeds, while others are attractive outdoor garden plants. Many are popular indoor container plants.

It’s a straightforward plant that thrives in both sunlight and shade. The best growth, however, is seen in partial shade and relatively humid soil. Indoor wandering Jews benefit from well-drained potting soil and a warm environment. Plants can be nurtured in window boxes, hanging baskets, and creative pots. They look finest when viewed from a lofty vantage point.

Is Wandering Jew Safe For Cats?

Yes, in a nutshell, the answer is a loud YES. The sap found within the stems will annoy your cat. However, there is no reason to be concerned about the plant’s toxicity. The Wandering Jew Plant, also known as Tradescantia, and cats do not get along.

Most Common Types of Wandering Jew

  • Tradescantia Fluminensis
  • Tradescantia Pallida
  • Tradescantia Zebrina

Tradescantia Flumensis is an evergreen perennial plant with striped oval green and lilac leaves. It bears a white bloom with three petals. Tradescantia Pallida has long, pointed purple leaves with crimson or green points. Produces three-petaled flowers in purple, white, or pink.

Tradescantia Zebrina: An evergreen perennial vining plant with multicolored leaves that range from green to gray to purple. The leaf center has two light gray bands, and it occasionally produces pinkish flowers.

What Happens If Cat Eats Wandering Jew?

According to the ASPCA, the most obvious indication of a wandering Jew is the development of a dermatitis-like skin inflammation.

Look for these areas on your pet to be affected first:

  • Groin
  • Stomach, due to laying on the plant
  • Under your pet’s chin
  • Any other body part that comes into contact

The sap of the wandering jew plant is irritating to the skin and can cause digestive irritations in your cat if consumed. As a result, wandering Jews are categorized as potentially dangerous plants for cats, dogs, horses, other pets, and humans.

The calcium oxalate crystals found in plant sap cause the allergic reaction in cats. The fluid is present in the leaves, but the most of it is found in the stem. If any of the sap gets on your cat’s skin, it may cause a dermatitis-like reaction. If your cat nibbles on the plant and consumes some of the sap, it can cause digestive inflammation.

Treatment of Wandering Jew Poisoning in Cats

If your cat exhibits skin allergies or irritation in the tummy, paws, anal area, or scrotum. Then try any of the solutions listed below.

  1. Give a bath to your feline if there is any skin allergy or irritation.
  2. If you observe any digestive system-related problem in your pet, then consult your regular vet for this.
  3. Let your cat drink enough water and avoid any movement.
  4. You can also apply aloe vera gel to the allergic area.

How to Keep Your Cat Away from Wandering Jew Plants

Because the sap of wandering Jews is harmful to cats, it is critical that they do not get into contact with it. This, however, is easier said than done. Cats are naturally nimble creatures who excel at getting to high places. You also can’t keep an eye on them all the time to keep them from scratching or nibbling on the houseplant.

If you place the plant on a surface, your cat will almost certainly find a way up there. Hanging it somewhere your cat cannot jump is the greatest approach to keep your cat and houseplant safe. Your best bet is to suspend plant baskets from the ceiling. Check that there are no other surfaces around that your cat could use to get a good jump on the plant. Tradescantia prefers bright light, so place it near a window. Remember to cut the trailing vines, or your cat may get to them.

How To Treat Wandering Jew Poisoning In Cats?

Your veterinarian will prescribe an ointment or drugs to help if your cat is scratching excessively. It may be necessary to apply lotion two to three times per day, but it has been proven to be successful.

If your cat scratches repeatedly, he may develop a secondary skin infection that requires medication. Self-trauma can be reduced by using a buster collar and shortening claws. The veterinarian may decide to give your cat intravenous or subcutaneous fluids depending on his needs.

This is particularly likely if his mouth has been impacted and he is unable to eat or drink. The fluids will keep him hydrated as he waits for his symptoms to go away. If his eyes get sore, she may advise you to rinse them or prescribe an ointment or drops to use at home for a few days.


The wandering jew species are popular houseplants because they require little care, however they are not suitable for cats. The plant sap includes calcium oxalate crystals, which can irritate the skin and bowels of cats, other pets, and even humans.

Because cats enjoy playing with houseplants, it is crucial to be aware of the risks if you decide to have one in your home. Make sure to keep the plant out of reach of your cat.

Inspect your cat for symptoms such as inflamed skin, vomiting, and diarrhea. This could indicate that they came into contact with sap from a wandering jew plant.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Is Wandering Jew Toxic To Cats

Is Wandering Jew Harmful To Cats?

Swedish ivy (Plectranthus), spider plant (Chlorophytum), and inch plant are three of the most frequent indoor plants that cats destroy (Tradescantia). Zebrina has no negative side effects.

Is the Wandering Jew Plant Harmful to Pets?

The ASPCA reports that wandering Jew is hazardous to dogs because it causes rashes and allergies. Allergies in dogs typically affect the skin rather than the respiratory system.

Is A Wandering Jew Plant Toxic To Pets?

Fortunately, prayer plants are not harmful to cats; otherwise, we would have a much bigger problem. My cat is typically uninterested in my plants. However, my cat’s new habit made me ponder about houseplants and pets. Many people feel that once they get a pet, they can no longer have plants (and vice versa).

Are Wandering Jew Plants Toxic To Pets?

With a simple therapy that combines oral or topical medication, you and your dog can recover from the toxicity of this plant. A wandering jew is an invasive weed that smothers and colonizes other plants in the region. It is also poisonous to both dogs and humans.

Can A Wandering Jew Be Kept Inside?

During the hot, humid summer months, the wandering jew plant is simple to care for. It is critical to note that these plants will die if left outside, and they are not winter hardy. They can, however, be cultivated indoors and utilized as a houseplant all winter.

Can cats be around Wandering Jew plants?

According to the ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), the wandering jew has calcium oxalate crystals in its leaves and stems, which can be harmful to cats, dogs, and horses.

What If My Cat Eats A Wandering Jew?

If cats eat some of the sap after nibbling on the plant, they may feel upset by it. When cats come into contact with wandering jew sap, they may develop these symptoms. If you see these symptoms in your cat, he or she may have them. If you detect them, contact your veterinarian.

What happens if my cat eats a Wandering Jew plant?

Naturally, I was curious: is the wandering jew plant dangerous to cats? In short, the answer is an emphatic YES. The plant’s stems contain sap that will irritate your cat’s digestive tract. It is crucial to remember that swallowing the leaves usually does not result in a harmful reaction.

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